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🐺Master These Skills in Your 20s to Be Retired by 30

Here Are 5 Key Skills to Achieve Financial Freedom

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They say 30s is when most people hit their prime.

But you don't show up one day and are magically "in your prime."

You have to know the right things to work at.

Accomplish these things in your 20s and 30s and you'll be unstoppable:

1. Master the stock market.

Learning about the stock market allows you to appreciate financial freedom.

It doesn't come easy though, taking courses and doing your homework pays off.

2. Build an elite support system.

A top-tier support system involves three types of people.

Family: Give unconditional love

Friends: Provide support & experiences

Mentors: Tell you what you need to hear.

3. Be independent.

Travel to countries you're not familiar with.

Cover your own expenses.

Become the genius you are.

4. Reduce costs.

Most people don't realize how much debt they accumulate in their 20's, 30's, and early 40's.

Reducing costs allows you to invest more and stress less.

5. Be self-motivated.

Self-motivation allows you to stay focused through obstacles.

Nobody is going to be there to hold your hand every day.

Like this newsletter? You’ll love my Finance Visualized Newsletter.

Investing doesn’t need to be complicated. Every week I break down complex financial topics and reports and turn them into easy to understand visuals like the one below.

Finance VisualizedMaking the market easy to understand through exciting graphics.

6. Create multiple income streams.

You don't want to leave anything to chance when it comes to investing & financial freedom.

This means that you need to create multiple income streams that focus on different areas.

One stream of income is awfully close to zero.

7. Teach others.

One of my favorite things is helping others.

You can do the same by sharing your knowledge.

In all honesty, the only way to make sure you know something is to teach it to someone else.

8. Think long term.

In order for you to really be successful, you are going to have to think long-term.

Short-term thinking will only leave you broke.

9. Build your discipline.

As important as it is to have self-motivation, it is also vital to be disciplined.

Many people fail at investing and at life because they demand instant gratification.

10. Have PAYtience!

We often see people get rich quick and people in general fail to make money because they see too much short-term failure that proves they aren’t good at investing.

The Holy Grail of investing for most investors is passive investing & passive income.

And there you have it!

Accomplish these things in your 20s and 30s and you'll be unstoppable and be successful later in life.

If you enjoy this newsletter, here are some of my favorites I’d recommend you read each week:

Ace in the HoleYour Secret Weapon to Beat The Market
Finance VisualizedMaking the market easy to understand through exciting graphics.