The Weekly Howl - Issue #3

Welcome to The Weekly Howl Newsletter! I read thousands of tweets this week so you don't have to! Here are the 10 best I saw.

General Outline:

  • Section One: Stock Insights

  • Section Two: Finance Memes

  • Section Three: Five Star Tweets

Section One: Stock Breakdowns

Check out 3 tweets about stocks from some of the best accounts on Twitter!

  1. $PLTR is trending upwards and there are a lot of reasons to like it!

2. A little insight into what's being bought and sold by company insiders this month courtesy of Quiver Quant 👀

3. Dividend stocks are tried and true. Here's some great ones to look into 💰

Section Two: Best FinTwit Memes

Finance doesn't have to be just data. In this section, you'll find three finance-related memes that made a lot of people laugh 😅

  1. It's the little things in life 😁

2. It turns out the doctor was spot on 👨‍⚕️

3. Doug sums up the American Dream for us in a single tweet 😎

Section Three: 5-Star Tweets

No need to pigeonhole every section, here are 4 awesome tweets I saw this week!

1. The hardest decision come at the top 🧠

2. Time is the most valuable asset ⌚

3. Honestly, this makes sense when you think about it 🤔


Closing Remarks:

I had an awesome past week in Las Vegas exploring the sites and experiences which is why there was no newsletter last week. But we're back on schedule now! Hope you have an amazing weekend ☺

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