How to Become a Highly Paid Content Creator

Only open this if you like making money

Happy Sunday!

In case you haven’t heard the big day is finally here…

My friend the Art of Purpose has opened the doors to Create, Publish, Profit.

If you are unfamiliar with CPP it is a group mentorship that will teach you everything you ever wanted to know about building an online Twitter Business in 30 days

I enrolled in the last cohort and I enjoyed it so much, that I asked AoP to be an affiliate.

What exactly is included in this program?

Access to a 30-day tailor-made curriculum along with our system that fosters accountability. Their goal is to help you develop your brand and build TRUE fans. Included is a step-by-step playbook (zero guesswork).

Templates, formulas, frameworks (that make tweeting easy).

Engagement from top accounts to supercharge your exposure.

Direct answers from their team during LIVE Masterclass Training Sessions.

Access a team of professional ghostwriters who will give you INSTANT feedback and show you how to create content and NEVER run out of ideas. Multiple students have turned into professional ghostwriters after completing our curriculum.

Learn how to monetize your account. Turn your Twitter into a business. You can make a steady income even with a tiny following.

Build lasting friendships and make high-quality contacts. Access a network of like-minded students to grow alongside, give feedback, and network with. It’s a network that will foster a community of accountability.

+ You will have access to their customized curriculum (lifetime).

I enrolled in CPP and used it to help me make a LOT of money online + rapidly build my following.

I am sure if you apply the tactics inside, you will see similar results.

Click HERE to learn more and get started.

Enjoy your day!

P.S. From what I understand the enrollment is limited and spots are filling up fast. Take action now.