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šŸŗThe Greatest Investment That You Could Ever Make...

Here's how I plan on investing in my mental health

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Your mental health is the best investment youā€™ll ever make.

Yet almost nobody takes this investment seriously.

Thatā€™s because few people know the secret to doing it right.

Hereā€™s how I plan on investing in my mental health:

Before we startā€¦

We have to talk about the Spear Fund ETFs.

SPRX is a top-tier ETF focused on companies benefiting from cutting-edge technology trends, including:

  • Space exploration

  • Automation & robotics

  • Artificial intelligence (AI)

  • Enterprise digitalization

  • Photonics & additive manufacturing

  • Environmental focus and decarbonization

These are insights youā€™d typically find only after hours of researching individual stocks.

But thereā€™s moreā€¦

SPRX is an actively managed fund, offering much more than just passive tracking of the broader market, unlike many other ETFs.

If you're seeking one of the best ETFs for AI and other tech innovations, look no further than SPRX. Spear Funds is leading the way.

My experience working with Spear and their team has been exceptional.

To learn more and conduct your due diligence, click the link below:

Like it or not ā€“ human beings are social creatures.

Even the most introverted people need to interact with others.

This is why solitary confinement is one of the worst forms of prison punishment.

Itā€™s easy to become isolated in today's world.

Many of us work on our computers 24/7.

Looking at spreadsheets, stock charts, and our Twitter timeline.

This has a more dire effect on our health than many realize.

Unlike smoking or drinking, where the effects are apparent.

Itā€™s like an invisible threat that we neglect.

Thatā€™s why Iā€™m taking proactive measures to fight it.

Iā€™m heading to Las Vegas this October for Legacy Retreat 2024.

Itā€™s a men's health & networking event occurring from Oct 24-28.

Itā€™s hosted by @LegacyBuilder__, @tyromper, and @Big_Jerm200.

Our key guest & headline speaker is @ZubyMusic.

Itā€™ll include:

  • Networking

  • Private Chefs

  • Videographers

  • House competitions

  • Tackling difficult challenges together

Once you land in Vegas, we got you.

Beyond those amenities, weā€™ll be helping each other strengthen our:

  • Minds

  • Bodies

  • Family

  • Finances

  • Relationships

And so much more.

If youā€™re serious about your mental health, Iā€™d love to meet you there.

Because the best investors arenā€™t glued to their computers all day.

Theyā€™re living their best life & enjoying it with others.

Attached in the next tweet is all the info you need.

I hope to see you there!

DM any hosts or myself on Twitter if you have additional questions.

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