This is keeping you from success.

How to start investing better:


One of the most common reasons for failure is doing too much.

Of course, there are some instances where doing more is beneficial…

But at a certain point, excess begins to hurt you more than it harms you.

For example, working out more will surely get you fit…

But working out too much will do more harm to your body than it’ll benefit.

Working more hours will make you more money…

But working too many hours will leave you burned out and impact your performance.

This lesson applies to investing too…

And no I’m not saying you can invest too much. I’m talking about something else…

But first, a word from this week's sponsor:

Diversity Meets the Fintech Industry

The fintech industry isn’t exactly known for its diversity. WTF is up with that?

Nicole Casperson is a reporter-turned-creator who’s quickly becoming one of the most important new voices in fintech. Each week, Nicole writes the WTFintech newsletter with informative stories on startups, new technologies, and emerging female leaders.

Be the change you want to see. Subscribe to WTFintech today.

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What I’m talking about is too much diversification.

Diversification is good and can increase your returns and reduce your risk…

But too much diversification can dilute your returns as you’re spread too thin.

When you begin to prioritize quantity, you tend to deprioritize quality.

And this results in lower returns, poor performance, or outright losses.

Instead of increasing your exposure to different companies, increase your exposure to quality companies…even at the risk of diversification.

Because if you’re buying quality companies, it will be very hard to lose money.

Especially if you hold them long enough.

Until next time.
