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Master Your Psychology, Master Your Money
The top 5 insights from The Psychology of Money
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Morgan Housel is the most popular finance author of the 2020s:
The Psychology of Money sold 3M+ copies
Named a top 50 market influencer
Columnist at the Motley Fool
Here are 5 major insights from his book that will help you invest like a pro.
Let’s get into it!

1. Relative Wealth
Your absolute wealth doesn't matter.
At least, not when it comes to how rich you feel.
Personal satisfaction and well-being are heavily influenced by 2 factors:
• Your wealth compared to your past self
• Your wealth compared to your peers
The sense that you are progressing and building wealth will make you feel wealthier than any specific number.
2. Financial Habits
Around 70% of lottery winners go bankrupt within a few quick years.
Getting rich quickly is an illusion, you need the character necessary to keep your money.
Wealth is a habit.
Your temperament, mindset and behavior are critical for building your portfolio.
3. Time Horizons
Do you let your short-term emotions interfere with your long-term goals?
If so, you don't grasp the long-game nature of investing.
Most fortunes are built over decades.
To achieve lasting wealth, you need to set specific targets with realistic timeframes.
4. Risk & Uncertainty
Risk management isn't only assessing probability.
It's about emotional control and understanding negative potential consequences.
Most people underestimate the likelihood of a bad outcome.
As an investor, you must invest based on data and rationality.
5. Misleading Narratives
People are drawn to and influenced by stories about money.
These narratives shape your perceptions, beliefs, and decisions.
The major thing to realize is that these stories hold power over you even if they are based on false or misleading information.
There you have it! These are my top 5 key lessons from The Psychology of Money.
To be a successful investor, you must develop awareness of the underlying biases and and mental models that drive your behavior.
Get a firm grip on these 5 points and you are well on your way to building your wealth.
Now let’s get investing!
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