Here's why our experts think we haven't this cycle

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Have we reached the Bitcoin cycle peak?

My evidence strongly suggests we haven’t.

If you’re feeling bearish, read this 👇

What’s the greatest catalyst for Bitcoin’s price?

Is it nation-state FOMO via strategic Bitcoin reserves?

Is it institutional adoption via spot ETFs?

Is it the 4-year halving cycle?

Believe it or not, none of these are the biggest Bitcoin price catalysts.

The greatest factor in Bitcoin’s price is global liquidity.

That’s right – global liquidity is even more important than the halving cycle.

Halvings get more credit than they deserve because they align with global liquidity cycles, which are the real catalysts for Bitcoin’s big moves.

FYI: I’m not suggesting halvings aren’t important.

Ironically, Bitcoin’s price is currently decoupled from global liquidity.

That sometimes happens during bull markets – nothing to worry about.

Anyhow, let me explain why GL is so important 👇

First, what exactly is global liquidity?

Global liquidity refers to the availability and flow of capital in global financial markets.

Such as global M2, bank lending policies, quantitative easing, etc.

When governments print money and cut rates, global liquidity rises.

The problem is most investors only focus on U.S. liquidity instead of the entire world.

When it comes to Bitcoin, that’s a mistake.

Bitcoin is a global asset – practically everyone can buy Bitcoin.

When governments expand the money supply, a portion of that money goes to its citizens.

A fraction of them buy Bitcoin with this newly created money.

Rising GL → more money → more BTC purchased → smaller supply leftover

Basic supply and demand economics.

So why bring this up?

Because after months of declining global liquidity, it’s finally on the rise again.

Canada’s central bank just cut rates and switched from QT to QE (money printing)

Europe's central bank also just cut rates.

Trump will eventually convince Powell to cut rates in the U.S.

China is priming for another huge liquidity dump as well.

Exactly how much will this impact Bitcoin’s price?

Roughly for every 10% increase in GL, Bitcoin’s price rises by ~90%.

There’s a ~70-day delay between global liquidity movements and Bitcoin’s price.

On a side note, GL is also highly correlated to U.S. indexes.

Unlike other stock markets, the U.S. stock market is a primary destination for investors around the world.

When it comes to global assets, global liquidity becomes important to track.

Here are some other assets that are highly correlated if you’re interested.

Provided global liquidity resyncs with Bitcoin, which is likely will, we should see $BTC rise in a few months.

Is this a guarantee? Not.

There are no certainties when investing – only probabilities.

Do your research – not financial advice.

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