đŸșThe Warren Buffett of India...

Here's 5 investment strategies to elevate your investing game, TODAY!

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Rakesh Jhunjhunwala is the Warren Buffett of India.

He compounded a jaw-dropping 62% per year for 37 years.

That’s the equivalent of turning $1 into $56 million.

Here are Rakesh’s 5 investment strategies to elevate your investing game:

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1) Tolerate Loss

Rakesh said “You cannot make profit in the stock market unless you have the ability to tolerate loss.”

You must accept that calculated risks don’t always work in your favor.

The sooner you accept this, the sooner you can emotionally detach.

2) Management

Rakesh suggests you “Invest in companies that have strong management and competitive management.”

You’re not investing in companies; you’re investing in people and their ideas.

Understanding management is everything – don’t ignore it.

3) Boring

Don’t ignore the boring aspects of investing that make the difference.

Read quarterly reports, earnings calls, and financial statements.

It’s the details others ignore that make you great.

4) High Valuations

Rakesh emphasizes the importance of avoiding companies with high valuations.

Many investors blindly sink their cash into these companies without any genuine analysis.

Understand the investment you’re making and ignore the valuation hype.

5) Emotions

Rakesh says that understanding your investments is the key to emotional stability.

Everyone claims you need to detach your emotions from any investment.

That’s only possible if you truly understand the risks involved.

Educate yourself before buying.

Sadly, Rakesh passed a few years ago.

But his timeless advice and immaculate track record live on.

Follow his insight and go make some money.

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