turn your rocks into meteors

On the ground, a rock is just a rock. But when moving at high speed through the atmosphere, a rock becomes a meteor – alive with fire and burning bright.

James Clear

Investing isn’t so different.

When you invest your first dollar, your money is much like the rock above. Just money.

But when you combine “just money” with equities and increased contributions, your not-so-significant money turns into a lot more than the first dollar you invested.

And that’s the beauty of investing.

If you don’t invest, your money stays weak and temporary.

But if you do invest, your money grows and increases your purchase power.

And that’s the goal for every investor really. We want to be able to buy more, whatever “more” is.

It could be more time with loved ones, experiences you’ve always wanted, time off from work, or even other investments you’ve been eyeing.

Whatever it is, investing your money helps you get it. But only if you’re able to actually make money on your investments.

Fortunately, Seeking Alpha makes profiting easier.

They have over 10,000 stock analyses published monthly AND their own algorithm that ranks stocks.

And this algorithm is legit too, with a total return of 1,754% compared to the S&P 500s return of 385%...

Normally this type of service costs $239/month.

But you can get a 2-week free trial + a 60% discount on the software that helps you buy more stocks that go up and less that go down.

So if making more money investing sounds like something you want to do (which it is), then start your risk-free trial today.

Your friend,


P.S: This is an absolutely risk-free offer. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.