Want to be financially free in 2024?

Follow these 16 accounts...

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Welcome to the WOLF Financial Newsletter.

If you want to join over 13,000 investors who want to build wealth and learn advanced investing strategies live on Twitter Spaces, subscribe below:

Many of you know that I’ve hosted over 5,000 hours of Twitter Spaces and have spent countless additional hours on there.

I mean it when I say this:

I've learned more on Twitter/X than from my $100,000 college education.

The most skilled investors, money makers, & educators share their knowledge there every day.

The problem is - 99% of people don’t know who they are.

Here are 16 accounts to follow that’ll make you financially free in 2024:

1. Stock Market News (@StockMKTNewz)

Evan updates you on what’s going on in the stock market, and the rest of the world, in real-time.

Being informed has never been easier because of his account.

2. NEOS Investments (@NEOSInvestments)

NEOS deep dives into ETF investing education with a special focus on using option premiums to outperform the market.

If you're looking for exposure to the same strategies Wall Street uses, they are a must-follow.

3. Savvy Trader (@SavvyTrader)

Savvy Trader provides investors with a variety of GREAT portfolios to learn from.

They regularly share updated portfolios and insights from Warren Buffett, Bill Ackman, Michael Burry and a number of other legendary investors.

I’ve worked in finance for over 6 years and host 40+ hours of Twitter Spaces per week.

I provide access to professional-grade investment research and expert investors so you can learn from the best without being on Wall Street.

5. Jordan (@AceTheKidTA)

If you want to learn how to trade stocks, Jordan can teach you. Although he’s only 20 years old, he trades like he has decades of experience.

Catch him live on Twitter Spaces every day and study the strategies he uses to make money trading stocks.

6. NFT God (@NFT_GOD)

Don't be fooled by the name, Alex is an expert on a variety of topics you need to be paying attention to.

He's mastered the X algo through painstaking examination and is the perfect person to follow for content and leadership ideas.

7. Predictagram (@Predictagram_)

Predictagram is an elite platform you can use to discover trade ideas, stock predictions, and indicators for FREE from thousands of investors.

A quick scan of their timeline will tell you all you need to know.

8. Whole Mars Catalog (@WholeMarsBlog)

Omar is bullish on technology and is well-known in the Tesla community.

He’s constantly informing the TL about the latest EV news and interacts with Elon Musk and other important figures in the space.

9. Wolf Web3 (@WOLF_WebThree)

After hosting 4000+ hours of Spaces as WOLF Financial, I've launched a second channel fully focused on Web3 Spaces.

Wolf Web3 is the home of this pioneering journey to be the top spaces host for financial content AND web3 content.

10. Stock Talk Weekly (@stocktalkweekly)

Stock Talk Weekly Covers:

  • Investment news

  • Investment tips

  • Trading resources

And more.

STW is a professional investor and trader who shares his knowledge so you can make money with it.

11. Gnotz (Bull) (@BullTradeFinder)

Gnotz breaks down trading step-by-step with daily trading Spaces and regular educational posts.

Trading requires a system and Gnotz has one everyone should be looking into.

12. greg (@greg16676935420)

greg is a full-time memelord and purveyor of good vibes. With all the craziness going on in the world nowadays, greg's content will be a welcome refresher for your timeline.

Make sure to sub for $1 and turn notifications on for the true experience.

13. Not Whale (@whale_hell0)

An active $SPY & $SPX options trader, Not Whale is incredibly reliable for option flow insights and education.

A massive part of the trading Spaces crew, he's a must-follow. Make sure to reply “Whale hello there” to this tweet if you’re a fan.

14. Stockwits Acade〽️y (@mikalche)

Mikey is one of the most active traders I know and is always transparently sharing his wins and losses with retail on Spaces and the timeline.

If you want to trade with confidence, he’s the one to follow.

15. Dave aka nflchampion.eth (@DCBK2LA)

Dave is one of the top hosts in the crypto community.

He will be your number one resource for staying up to speed on all things crypto, eth, AI, and blockchain.

16. JaguarAnalytics (@JaguarAnalytics)

Jaguar had deep knowledge on pretty much every macro topic you can imagine AND can keep up with the rush of day-to-day trading.

His timeline is a goldmine of charts, ideas, and analysis. Make sure to check it out!

There you have it!

Financial freedom is a goal that everyone should have on their list.

And if you want a chance at achieving it in 2024, I’d highly recommend giving these accounts a follow.

I hope you enjoyed this week’s edition of the newsletter.

If you liked this issue, be sure to get all future issues by subscribing below: