If you want to be a great investor, do this first:

Featuring Doug Boneparth


Every investment plan begins with a solid financial plan.

I mean think about it…

To be an investor, you need to have investable income in the first place.

You create investable income by understanding how to budget your paychecks, and your spending.

I sat down with Doug Boneparrth to discuss how young people can take control of their finances and build long-lasting wealth.

But first a message from out sponsor.

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Who is Doug Boneparth?

  • President of Bone Fide Wealth

  • Member of the CNBC Advisor Council

  • Author of “The Millennial Money Fix”

  • Founder of the Crypto Drip

And has been in the financial planning industry for over 18 years.

Here are some of the things we talked about:

Navigating the 2008 Global Financial Crisis

Doug was graduating college during the global financial crisis of 2008 and was tasked with launching his financial planning career during a time when friends, family, and neighbors were losing their homes and their jobs.

He talked about the ONE thing that saved some households from financial ruin during the financial crisis and how you can implement that same strategy today despite record inflation and recession fears.

What young people can do now to get ahead later

The great thing about personal finance and building wealth is that 99% of it is behavioral.

Doug talks about what young people can do to increase their chances of building wealth at a faster pace whether it be setting up a spending plan or navigating investing for retirement.

He goes through an exact step-by-step plan the average person can use as a baseline for creating their own personal financial plan.

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