The Weekly Howl - Issue #1

Welcome to The Weekly Howl Newsletter! If you’re reading this and haven’t subscribed, please join to receive a concise grouping of the 10 best tweets of the week (As written by someone whose full-time job involves being on Twitter too much).

General Outline:

  • Section One: Stock Insights

  • Section Two: Finance Memes

  • Section Three: Five Star Tweets

Section One: Stock Breakdowns

  1. Let's start with a little insight into the Real Estate race

  1. $PYPL has done quite nicely for itself over the past year. Perhaps $900M in revenue from Venmo is driving that....

  1. Zooming out allows for incredible perspective

Section Two: Best FinTwit Memes

Finance doesn't have to be just data. In this section, you'll find three finance-related memes that made a lot of people laugh 😅

  1. NFT + Discounted Cash Flow = You Tell Me

2. 😳😳

3. Tell margin I'll call her back tomorrow

Section Three: 5-Star Tweets

No need to pigeonhole every section, here are 4 awesome tweets I saw this week!

1. Let's Talk Priorities

2. An AMAZING perspective on building an online community🤼

3. A great thread on lessons learned in the trading world

4. Flip the mentality!

Closing Remarks:

I've wanted to write a newsletter for some time now but despised the thought of long form writing (probably a fault of mine). I also did not want to clog up someone's email with another market recap or stock deep dive. By collecting and delivering 10 awesome tweets each week to my audience I am hoping to generate a unique type of value via a 5 minute read. If you made it this far shoot me a DM on the @WOLF_Financial account, I would love to hear from you!