I will personally teach you

Over these next few days, I'll be sharing some life-changing information

It’s gonna be a massive week…

Over these next few days, I’m gonna be sharing some insane, life-changing information with you so you can build your wealth as quickly as possible.

I’m gonna be speaking live on my Twitter about a whole range of topics that could be the boost you need.

Investing, crypto, trading, market sentiment… you name it.

And because I don’t want you to miss out on some knowledge that could be crucial to success in your financial journey, my entire schedule is included underneath this email…

If you can tune into any one of these spaces, you should - you’ll learn a lot.

And to do that, simply go to my main Twitter page and click on my profile picture.

With that being said, talk later and have an awesome week,


PS: If you want a reminder before these spaces start, add them to your calendar.

My Schedule This Week:


  • 3 PM EST - Power Hour

  • 6 PM EST - Market Sentiment & Technical Analysis

  • 7:20 PM EST - The Spartz Initiative


  • 11 AM EST - NightShares ETF

  • Stock Talk Roundtable

  • 3 PM EST - Stock Talk with @TheStreet


  • 10:30 AM EST - Crypto Security

  • 12 PM EST - Live Trading

  • 3 PM EST - Power Hour Technical Analysis & Charting

  • 4 PM EST - How to Survive a Bear Market

  • 5 PM EST - Crypto Chat with Flipside

  • 6 PM EST - Crypto Policy State of Play


  • 10 AM EST - LIVE Trading: Women of Wall Street

  • 11:20 AM EST - Invest with Lex - Real Estate

  • The Trading Floor

  • 4:00 PM EST - FinTwit Friday