WOLF Financial Weekly Newsletter - Issue #101

I read 5,000 tweets this week so you don’t have to. The 10 BEST tweets I saw this week are listed below

Together With:

Happy Friday and welcome to The Weekly Howl Newsletter! I read 5,000 tweets this week so you don't have to. The 10 BEST tweets I saw this week are listed below 📈

General Outline:

  • Section One: Investment Talk

  • Section Two: Finance Laughs

  • Section Three: Top Tier Tweets

Section One: STOCKS

Let's talk stocks - breakdowns, insights, and advice from the depths of social media:

  1. We’ve definitely had it relatively easy this summer. Are you ready for volatility, anyone? 😷

  1. I’m questioning if Jpow was ever taught to work the on/off button 🖨

  1. Unless you’re Buffet or Cohen, this is the safest bet for us normies 👨‍💻

First Disruption to Smartphones Since iPhone🤳

Tech Startup With Traction: Turn your phone from a cost to an income source. Intriguing idea, isn't it? This is why, we have our eyes on the launch of Mode Mobile’s Pre-IPO Offering. It’s the latest in a series of impressive raises among smartphone innovators, likely spurred by Apple’s recent $3+ trillion valuation.

Mode saw 150x revenue growth from 2019 to 2022, a leap that has made them one of America’s fastest growing companies. Mode is on a mission to disrupt the entire industry with their "EarnPhone," a budget smartphone that’s helped consumers earn and save $150M+ for activities like listening to music, playing games, and ... even charging their devices?!

Over 11,000 investors already acquired shares — and with only days remaining prior to their bonus tier closing, allocations are limited.

Section Two: Best FinTwit Memes

Finance can be fun, and I'm here to prove it; check out the section below for a chuckle:

  1. At least the iconic sign lives on in some guy’s mancave 🏹

  1. Some random dude the day that Lehman went under 🤨

  1. I’d say that Argentenas fiscal news qualifies as a meme at this point 🧯

Section Three: 5-Star Tweets

Not all tweets are created equal. In fact, some are MUCH better than others. Here's some of the cream of the crop this week:

  1. This is a solid & actionable mental roadmap to lead to a better you! 🏆

  1. The manifestation only happens with deliberate and consistent action 🎬

  1. I can’t express the level of PEACE and tranquility that comes with doing this 🙏

  1. I’ve yet to see any hater that’s doing better 💫

Spaces Weekly Recap:

(Recordings linked)






  • Market Recap

  • Twitter Space with $MIRA

  • Gold & Copper Deep Dive

  • Market Analysis W/ Savvy Trader

  • Stock Market Predictions

Check out more investment content on the WOLF Twitter

Have a great weekend!

Disclosure: Please read the offering circular at invest.modemobile.com. This is a paid advertisement for Mode Mobile’s Regulation CF Offering