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- X Spaces Schedule for the Week
X Spaces Schedule for the Week
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Unlock the keys to financial success with the influence of our crew of market professionals. Tune into this week’s FREE spaces and gain actionable wisdom to empower your financial goals and create a brighter financial future.
We’ll be discussing a whole range of financial topics LIVE on my Twitter:
Investing, crypto, trading, Web3, market sentiment… you name it.
And because I don’t want you to miss out on some knowledge that could be crucial to success in your financial journey, my entire schedule is included underneath this email…
If you can tune into any one of these spaces, you should - you’ll learn a lot.
And to do that, simply go to my main Twitter page and click on my profile picture.
With that being said, talk later and have an awesome week,
PS: If you want a reminder before these spaces start, add them to your calendar.
With central banks around the world continuing to print money, many investors have sought opportunities to combat inflation.
An interesting area of the market I’ve been researching are gold mining companies like $USAU.
Here’s what I’m looking at:
$USAU valuation:
USAU has 1.44 million PROVEN ounces of gold
Only 9.25mm shares of common outstanding
Gold at $1950 = $302,250 value of gold for each share of USAU
USAU is currently under $4
No debt
Solid cash balance
Received Industrial Siting Permit and should have Permit to Mine by early 2024
Rock star CEO who has built the world’s biggest mines for Barrick
Nasdaq listed
Potential take-over candidate as soon as mining permit grantedCTA
Learn more about $USAU here: CLICK HERE
My Schedule This Week:
9:20 AM EST - LIVE Trading W/ Kane Capital
10:30 AM EST - Managing Risk in the Market
12 PM EST - Tesla Deep Dive
1 PM EST - Market Analysis W/ Savvy Trader
2 PM EST - WenMint Space
5 PM EST - Market Sentiment & Stock Picking Space
6:10 PM EST - Decentralized Finance
7:10 PM EST - Investing in Laboratory Services
9:15 AM EST - LIVE Trading W/ RocketScooterAI
10:30 AM EST - Stock Talk
1 PM EST - Stock Market Predictions
2 PM EST - Seeking Alpha Space
5:45 PM EST - Web3 Chat W/ Affinity.xyz
9:15 AM EST - LIVE Futuers Trading
10:30 AM EST - NEOS ETF Space
12 PM EST - What's New in Tech
9:25 AM EST - LIVE Trading
11 AM EST - Space W/ Filament Health - GRIT
1 PM EST - Internet Money
2 PM EST - MAYBE Twitter Space W/ @The_Crypto_Wiz
3 PM EST - Savvy Trader Space
4 PM EST - Health Space with Jeremy Clevenger
Disclosure: The advertisement for $USAU is a paid advertisement and reflects my personal views. It is intended for informational purposes only and is not a recommendation or endorsement of any specific stock or investment strategy. Investing in stocks involves risks, including the possibility of losing your entire investment. Always conduct thorough research and consult with a licensed financial advisor before making any investment decisions.