You've already made the most difficult investment

About 4 years ago, I started my ambitious investing journey with the dream of early retirement and financial independence.

I’ve made more than I could have ever imagined

And I'm closer to securing myself an early retirement than ever before, and living the American dream with a large house and a picket fence.

But for me, the greatest achievement I ever made was investing that first $1.

I uploaded a tweet a couple of days ago,

“Never make fun of the guy who just invested his first $1. Most people never get round to investing at all.”

Now can you see the power in that statement?

If you want to be a skilled investor,

Whose investments lead them to tremendous gains and an early retirement sitting on a cash fortress,

Then the most important move you ever made was investing that first $1.

Getting started with trading is like getting started with the gym.

It’s hard to start,

But starting is the most crucial move because it’s easy to keep going once you’ve given yourself the initial momentum.

Even if you aren’t sitting on a pile of cash yet, you’ve already made the most difficult step to achieving financial freedom and settling down early.

In tomorrow’s email, I will show you the most important tool you can use to help you reach retirement money in record time.

Until then, talk later and have an awesome week,


PS: If you're still one of those people yet to make the first move to achieving early retirement,

Here's an unbelievably simple cheat I've been using to spot which investments I should probably make.

I understand you might think investing is risky, so I wanted to remove that risk and give you all the right guidance with investing that first $1...